Nova Innovation is working with Indonesia’s Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) to assess the potential for installing a 7 MW tidal array in Larantuka Strait between Flores Island and Adonara Island in Indonesia.
We are working with the national government and local communities to explore the potential for developing this source of clean and predictable renewable energy. The strong tidal flows between Indonesia’s islands provide a unique opportunity to reduce dependency on fossil fuels and improve the country’s energy security of supply.
As well as the environmental benefits, harnessing Indonesia’s abundant tidal resource will provide economic opportunities for local businesses and the supply chain across the country.
Key project stages and frequently asked questions about the project feature below.
Key Project Stages

1. What is the current stage of the project?The graphic above outlines the key stages for developing a tidal energy project. We are currently at the feasibility study stage for assessing the technical and economic potential for installing a tidal array in the Larantuka Strait.
2. What is the tidal resource within the Larantuka Strait?The graphic from Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources shows the potential tidal resource within the Larantuka Strait. Within the FLITE project we will be undertaking surveys to better understand and characterise the resource for Nova’s tidal turbines.
3. What is FLITE?FLITE is our Feasibility of Larantuka and Indonesian Tidal Energy Project. Nova and the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) are working together on FLITE to deliver the feasibility study. ITS is conducting on-site technical and socio-economic research for the study and Nova is providing its tidal knowledge and experience to the project. The study is primarily focused on technical, economic, social and environmental factors relating to the installation and operation of tidal turbines within the Larantuka Strait. However, we are also looking at the wider potential across Indonesia. Within FLITE we will also develop and share STEM (Science Technology, Engineering and Maths) materials with local communities and schools. The benefits developing a new clean energy industry will also be explored, including socio-economic factors such as gender equality and social inclusion. ITS will play a keep role in in helping to transfer from learnings to the local community.
4. What do the turbines look like?The photographs below show Nova Innovation's 100kW devices, which are currently in use at the Shetland Tidal Array in Bluemull Sound. The turbines are fully submerged under water, and use gravity-mounted ballasts to ensure they remain safely stable on the sea floor. The following short two-minute film on our website shows the turbines being deployed and in operation: Click here: Introduction to Nova Innovation Each Nova M100-D tidal turbine consists of the following: A cylindrical nacelle unit with a blade rotor Gravity base substructure (made up of a steel frame and concrete ballast) to secure it to the seabed The turbines at the Shetland Tidal Array have a rotor diameter of 8.5m, and a hub height of between 8.5 to 9m. The total height of around 14m from the seabed to the tip of the blades.
5. What are the opportunities for local businesses during the project?We have a strong track record of using the local businesses in the areas we work. Nova intends to use local contractors to provide support with the environmental surveys required for the Environmental Assessment. We will also use local vessels, local infrastructure and local suppliers to support our operations. We believe in maximising opportunities for local economy and supply chain.
6. Will it affect fishing areas or other vessels?Nova’s Tidal Arrays are completely submerged, sitting at around 30m below the surface of the water. Therefore all vessels and seacraft can operate without interruption. We believe in communicating with local fishermen at an early stage to ensure our turbines are located in a suitable area that does not interfere with their fishing areas.
7. How are the turbines installed?Nova’s turbines have been designed to be easily and quickly installed. Prior to installation, the onshore substation is constructed and connected to the local grid. The next step involves using a workboat to tow the steel substructure and concrete ballast to the installation location, which will then be lowered through the water into position on the seabed. The subsea cables are installed and the turbine nacelle is then lowered onto the substructure for operation.
8. How are the turbines maintained?The turbine nacelles will need to be removed for routine maintenance. Based on experience in Shetland, we anticipate that each turbine will need to be removed once every 18-24 months for maintenance. Depending on the weather, removing a turbine can be done in one tidal window. We anticipate that we would be re-deploying/removing multiple turbines in the same operation. This means operations can take up to one week.
9. What is the impact on the environment?Ensuring that our turbines do not harm the marine environment is vitally important to Nova. Environmental impact assessments, including potential impact on fish and other marine life, are a key part of the consenting and project design process. At our Shetland site in Scotland, we have carried out environmental monitoring since the first turbine was installed in 2014 to ensure that our turbines do not harm marine wildlife. This monitoring includes: Regular surveys of marine mammals and seabirds where our turbines are located Filming the underwater environment using subsea video cameras attached to our turbines. This monitoring helps us understand how marine wildlife behaves around our turbines. We have carried out thousands of hours of marine mammal and seabird surveys and gathered tens of thousands of hours of underwater video footage. No adverse environmental effects or negative interactions between marine wildlife and our turbines have been detected from this extensive monitoring. A similar monitoring approach will be taken for the FLITE project. The monitoring program will be designed based on local feedback, regulators, and the experience we’ve gained from our monitoring program in Shetland, with adaptions tailored to needs and requirements in Indonesia.
10. How do you decommission the turbines?The process of decommissioning will largely be the same as the installation, but in reverse. Because of the gravity base substructure, no seabed drilling or pile driving is required for the installation of the turbines. This means all items including the subsea cable can easily be recovered from the seabed, without the need for cutting or other intrusive operations making the construction and decommissioning phases very benign compared to other tidal or offshore wind projects. In 2017, Nova decommissioned our first grid-connected turbine, a 30-kW prototype device, which was installed in 2014. The turbine, cables, and all associated material were removed over two days, returning the site to its original state.
11. What will happen to the electricity generated?Being a nation made up of an abundance of islands, Indonesia has many off-grid islands relying on diesel generated electricity. A Nova tidal array could serve off-grid islands, providing clean, renewable, reliable and affordable electricity.